Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 206 - Kashi GoLean Roll (Chocolate Peanut)

OMG, this is the third time I am writing the same blog.  Computer and internet keeps crashing and not holding the clipboard contents or saving my work.  Frustrating.  Now hubby has had the laptop for an hour or so, so let's hope he did his genius magic and we can actually get this blog posted sometime tonight.

I saw a Kashi GoLean bar for cheap at Big Lots, only .80 cents.  I had never heard of it before, so decided to give it a try.  It is called a Kashi GoLean Roll - and the flavor is Chocolate Peanut.  It is suppose to have slow release carbs and be high in fiber and protein, so as to help keep you satisfied (full) longer.  Well, I'll never find out because I barely ate more than a bite.  It was adequately average at best.  Not in love with it, by any means.  Toddler boy seemed to like it though, so I suppose my eighty cents was not all lost.

Meanwhile, we spent a lot of today shopping for a REAL Christmas tree and getting it set up at home, decorating, etc.   In our 18 plus years of marriage, we have never had a real tree, so we shall see how this goes.  The kids are excited, and so am I for that matter.  Hope you had a nice and productive weekend.  I know I did.

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